Is payment due at the time of burial?
Payment is due for both the grave and interment at time of burial. However, Plum Creek Cemetery offers customized payment plans for those who may find it difficult to pay the full purchase price at once. Checks and credit cards accepted. Plum Creek Cemetery staff is willing to work with individual situations as they arise.
Is payment due at the time of burial? Are any payment plan options available if we do not have all the funds available?
Pre-need payment plans and options are available. At-need payments must be made in full prior to the burial. Please discuss your needs with the Plum Creek Cemetery management staff.
Who has the right to use the cemetery grave(s)and can they be sold?
The use of the grave(s) is for use only by the person(s) named on the easement or the family of the easement holder.
How I am permitted to decorate my loved one's grave?
Due to the extreme safety hazards presented to the maintenance staff in the performance of their duties and to visitors in the Cemetery, and to further ensure the aesthetic qualities of the entire cemetery, the following items are prohibited from use: stones, marble chips, edging materials, fencing, statues, figures, "knick-knacks", toys, inflatables, dolls, glass or ceramic items, glass or plastic globes / vases, banners, and flags mounted on metal shafts, hanging flower baskets on metal shafts, and similar items. The Cemetery will conduct two cleanups during the year.
By March 1st, all holiday decorations, wreaths, etc. must be removed. All summer and artificial flowers must be removed by October 1st.