Plum Creek Cemetery is a non-profit corporation, having been granted a charter by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, in 1907. There are no stockholders, bondholders or any persons or corporation owning any interest in the Cemetery except the lot owners themselves.
No dividends are paid, and the receipts are used solely for maintenance, upkeep, and beautification of the grounds. This non-denominational Cemetery is managed by a Board of nine Trustees, all of whom are lot owners, and serve without compensation as a service for the benefit of all lot owners.
Plum Creek Cemetery's deep history is an aspect that we take very seriously - upholding our sense of tradition and taking our well-regarded legacy into the future. A significant piece of this tradition is illustrated in the fact we have only employed a handful of Managers throughout the Cemetery’s existence.
Our Civil War, Spanish American War, and World Wars I and II Monument is located in the Cemetery and was erected by citizens of the vicinity in honor of those who served their country in the Civil War, Spanish American War and World Wars I and II. It is inscribed "They served that liberty shall not perish from the earth." Plum Creek Cemetery is also home to a Civil War cannon dated from 1844, which is known to be one of the oldest cannons of its kind.
*Research provided by Eleanor Carpenter Broome – founder Allegheny Foothills Historical Society